Thor: Ragnarok

Thor: Ragnarok
Thor: Ragnarok

Thor: Ragnarok is a lot of fun. If you’ve watched any of the previous Marvel’s Avengers series of films you recall the love-hate relationship that developed between Thor and The Hulk. Everyone remembers the scene where Thor is smugly gloating about how well the two fought a group of aliens in New York before Hulk “smashes” Thor in the head (out of spite?).

Ragnarok expands on their relationship further after a series of unexpected family drama events leads Thor to a garbage planet (let’s call it New Jersey) where he must fight their champion, roman gladiator style. On first blush the film is all romp, humor and action with a tiny bit of plot. I have seen it described as a farce of a film, and that is a fair assessment. It is nice to see the two fighters of the Avengers doing what they do best without the smug Tony Stark or super-pure Steve Rogers involved.

This actually feels more like a summer blockbuster film than fall lead-in to Thanksgiving. But that’s not bad thing! The overall arc of the Marvel Cinematic Universe story is advanced a bit in the bonus scene post-trailer, and I enjoyed watching the CGI fighting. It’s like a 21st century comic book!

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