Nerd alert!

Nerd alert!
Nerd alert!

Yes, I ordered the new Apple Watch with cellular capability. Discuss and feel free to nerd-shame me.

The Apple Watch is one of my favorite gadgets as it serves a required function (telling time) as well as bringing my my activity to the forefront of my attention. While my original Apple Watch has served me well it is showing its age in speed, battery capacity and scratches. It also moves notifications from audible (noisy!) to a subtle tap on my wrist. Perhaps you don’t receive a lot of alerts on your device… I do, however. Cutting down the noise pollution is the number one selling point for me.

Original Apple Watch
Original Apple Watch (work appointment details have been obscured)

Since I am old and enjoy sleeping I did not stay up until 1 AM local time to place my order. I was able to order from T-Mobile this morning with little stress, with the only downside being it appears my watch may not arrive until 10 October or so.

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