We’re On

The Hong Kong government has given approval for the Hong Kong Sevens tournament to proceed this November.


Today the government has announced the mandatory quarantine period for arrivals was dropping to three days from seven. While that seems great, it does add three days to the front end of any trip there. They still have bans on visits to bars, which is problematic for a rugby tournament.

I had been in contact with my travel agency prior to this announcement. Their response did not seem overly enthusiastic:

We have made a note that you are keen to book this event using your existing credit. Should that not be possible in 2022 it will certainly be valid for the Hong Kong 7’s in 2023 which we expect will be back to its usual March/April spot.

Considering that the HKRU has not yet announced ticketing details I have no idea if I will be able to attend in November. At this time I would say the chances are very low.

Update: The HKRFU published a F.A.Q. page with questions that fans may have about this year’s tournament. Ugh. “We are confident we will see strong local support for all the participating teams [emphasis mine]. Doesn’t sound like they’re very optimistic about a strong foreign turnout nor do they have any idea of how the quarantine rules will look in November. Even the teams will have to stick to hotel “bubbles” and won’t be able to interact with their fans. I guess this means I will have to wait until next April to attend, assuming there is not a worldwide monkeypox or polio pandemic by then.

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